Monday, March 30, 2009

Its been way too long!

WOW...I know all of you have been dying to know what has been going on with me because I havent blogged in almost a month! I have been so busy with classes and helping out at church with so many things...everytime I turn around I have something to do! SO...lets begin with the rundown of my life recently...

School is going good...I am just so ready for summer break! I have not been more excited about a break from school in a long time! haha...I am graduating with my associates degree in business on May 16th. If anyone wants to come see me walk across that stage..let me know! :) haha

I have been so busy with things at the church, from Winter Extreme, to the Lock-In, to Parents Night Outs(which i help with EVERY month), to teaching Sunday School, to Wednesday night Overflow services, to trying to stay active in my college sunday school class...I hardly have found time to breathe! I am not saying these things to complain AT ALL..I absolutely LOVE being involved! But--for a change, I have decided to take a few steps back..and enjoy the benefits on being not so involved..if that makes sense? I have decided to no longer teach Sunday that I can be more involved in my class, and so that I can be fed..because I feel like the only time I have in which I am being taught in through Preacher Steve's sermons..and I need that small group time as well.

I have also been trying out a home group which has been fun! I am hoping that our college class can organize something sort of like that for people my age...even though I do enjoy being around those who I dont usually hang out with! :)

This Saturday, the youth is leaving for the Spring Break trip to Panama City..which I am helping chaperone! I am so exicted about going..I really think that its going to be a great experience for not only the youth..but for me and the other leaders as well!

Well...thats about all I got for now! I will be blogging again soon...sorry its taken me this long!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Some Pictures!

I haven't blogged in what seems like FOREVER! Me and my friends Erica, Courtney, and Jessica went out for our girls night this week...and we also had a SNOW DAY!!! These are some pictures from our Girls Night Out and Snow Day! :) Hope you enjoy!

Courtney, Me, Jessica, and Erica :)
Me and Jessica :)

Me, throwing a snowball :)

That is what sweet tea will do to ya!

Thats me..just being myself...

Me and Jessica on our Snow Day!

Me Kissing Steve...our snowman!

Thats me working on Steve..our snowman!